Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
If I trust the Lord with all my heart, then there is no more room for me to trust anyone or anything else. If in all my ways I acknowledge God's hand, then I can never be distracted from His all-invading presence. And there's the rub. In my own paradigm, I so often walk around as if God were not there or at least as if he were in another room. I don't think that I am alone here. How do we visualize God? I think that Michael Angelo's famous fresco

from the Sistine Chapel captures our idea of God's presence quite succinctly: God seems to be coming from some far off place, maybe up above the clouds somewhere; and here we are earthbound with the slightest chance that we might actually reach out and be able to touch God. In fact, I often get my child-like impressions of Santa Clause mixed up with my impressions of God; both ideas are far removed from my daily life. But what does this proverb suggest: in
all your ways acknowledge the Lord. Why? because God is intimately involved in all things! God's presence is everywhere. You can't tie Him down to some backwoods location in the heavens. And the rest of the passage continues in support of this idea: provided we seek out wisdom (
i.e., God's will) our lives will be blessed, God will intimately interact in our lives for our betterment. Of course, if we turn our backs on God's will (which we can because of our own free-will) then God may choose to reduce His interactions with us; however, He is never far away, we can not ever banish God from his own house!
I pray for the wisdom of the Lord. I pray that I will rely on His wisdom as apposed to my own understanding. Lord grant me your favor; allow me to come to You without schemes and means but with a child-like heart open to Your knowledge and wisdom. Allow me to retain Your teachings and to discern Your wisdom from earthly understanding. God, I ask that I can see You more clearly, that I can come to a further understanding of Your nature. I ask for Your blessings in these things for no other reason than that I can find myself in the bosom of our creator; so that I can walk in the righteous flow of Your presence and power; that I may live in peace with Your will.
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